Serie • About Tavira's afternoon
De la tarde de Tavira
There is a moment in the summer of Tavira when cement takes over the falling sun. Because the light is already hidden, in secret. That is why perhaps, neither the barking of a dog, nor the ride of the train will frighten the one who passes distracted in his return home, or in his rest.
A day of sea that ends and it is only wind, that wrecks unintentionally. And he doesn't know where, but he advances in the afternoon light. Thus, the unexplored is necessity and a forced path, where air is the only option.
A day of sea that ends and it is only wind, that wrecks unintentionally. And he doesn't know where, but he advances in the afternoon light. Thus, the unexplored is necessity and a forced path, where air is the only option.
Hay un momento en el verano de Tavira cuando el cemento se apodera del sol que cae. Porque la luz ya se esconde, en secreto. Por eso quizás, ni el ladrido de un perro, ni el andar del tren asustarán al que pase distraído en su vuelta al hogar, o en su descanso.
Un día de mar que acaba y es solo viento, que naufraga sin querer. Y no sabe a dónde, pero avanza entre la luz de la tarde. Así, lo inexplorado es necesidad y camino obligado, en donde el aire es la única opción.