Serie • Almada from the front
Almada de enfrente
A city as a town, with lost looks and screams without answers. Almada treasures empty steps and still winds, in an expectant panorama. Reflect between the silence of the Tagus River and await the arrival of the one who leaves or crosses elsewhere.
The water is still in Almada, which looks like an island sometimes, and if it moves it isn't because of the boats. Nor by the wind.
Sometimes the sun brings the light of Lisbon; others, comfort with minimal walks or hidden imaginations to exalt the daily life of a lukewarm now.
The water is still in Almada, which looks like an island sometimes, and if it moves it isn't because of the boats. Nor by the wind.
Sometimes the sun brings the light of Lisbon; others, comfort with minimal walks or hidden imaginations to exalt the daily life of a lukewarm now.
Una ciudad como pueblo, de miradas perdidas y gritos sin respuestas. Almada atesora escalones vacíos y vientos quietos, en un panorama expectante. Reflexiona entre el silencio del Río Tajo y aguarda la llegada de aquél que parte o cruza a otro lado.
El agua está quieta en Almada, que parece una isla a veces, y si se mueve no es por los barcos. Ni por el viento.
A veces el sol trae la luz de Lisboa; otras, se consuela con paseos mínimos o imaginaciones ocultas para enaltecer lo cotidiano de un tibio ahora.